
2 min readMay 20, 2020

Let’s start this off with a quick introduction. My name is Will, and I go by Mr.Roxxxz online. Mr.Roxxxz is the name of my cute little ninja-faced avatar and dates back to a time when paint markers and USPS shipping stickers were cool (if you know, then you know). I have been in IT for 12 years and have done everything from Web Design to System’s Administration and I am currently trying to pivot into the Cyber Security realm. I hold multiple certifications and am always on the prowl for new knowledge to devour.

In reality, my interest in IT in general started as far back as I can remember with Windows 95 and AOL chatroom’s. I remember being in awe of how complex the computer was and wanted to learn as much as I could about it. I can remember being on AskJeeves searching up how computers talked to each other and what “RAM” was in Elementary school, only to have my connection unceremoniously interrupted by my mother’s friend calling the house phone. Professionally speaking, I began my professional IT journey by selling HTML templates for Myspace to my friends and their friends. I learned in short order that the entire Internet was built on HTML and began my official career as a freelance Web Designer. As the years went on, client’s began coming to me with other IT related issues. It started off with the simple “I forgot my password” type of issues and began my web design company slowly morphed into a one stop shop for all thing’s IT related.

Now, I am looking to share my knowledge with the world (or at least my little corner of the internet). Everything I have learned, the certifications I have completed, and all of the trials and tribulations I have faced as an “ex-felon” in the job market, can be useful for someone. Hopefully, you can get some useful information from this site and please feel free to contact me with any question you may have!




Weaponized Assault Nerd, CISSP, SSCP, MSCSIA, Pentest+